I have create a PostgreSQL health indicator like this:
public class PostgresHealthIndicator extends AbstractHealthIndicator {
DataSource postgresDataSource;
public DataSourceHealthIndicator dbHealthIndicator() {
DataSourceHealthIndicator indicator = new DataSourceHealthIndicator(postgresDataSource);
return indicator;
protected void doHealthCheck(Health.Builder builder) throws Exception {
Health h = dbHealthIndicator().health();
Status status = h.getStatus();
if (status != null && "DOWN".equals(status.getCode())) {
} else {
In my Application.java I am scanning this package for this component:
In my application.properties I have the following set:
when I hit {url}/health I see:
what do I need to do to get the custom health indicator to show?
You need to be authenticated to see all the details. Alternatively you could set
to see full content unauthenticated
More information about that can be found here: Production ready monitoring
Why would you want to do all that? That code doesn't even compile and Spring Boot does check your data sources by default already. If you only see the status, that's because you're not authenticated, check this table in the doc for more details.