Is it possible that the variable substitution is not recursive?
Variable Value
SqlInstance (localDb)\mssqllocaldb
DbCatalogName FooDb
ConnStr data source=$(SqlInstance);initial catalog=$(DbCatalogName)$(Build.BuildId);
During the build the connection string substituted to: data source=(localDb)\mssqllocaldb;initial catalog=FooDb3211;
This configuration works perfectly. But if i move the BuildId parameter to DbCatalogName variable it won't be substituted.
Variable Value
SqlInstance (localDb)\mssqllocaldb
DbCatalogName FooDb$(Build.BuildId)
ConnStr data source=$(SqlInstance);initial catalog=$(DbCatalogName);
With this configuration the connection string is substituted to: data source=(localDb)\mssqllocaldb;initial catalog=FooDb$(Build.BuildId);
So how can i chain variables with vNext?
If you want the "DbCatalogName" variable contain the BuildID value, I recommend you to add an additional power-shell build step to set the value of "DbCatalogName".
The code to set a variable value:
Variable chaining seems to work with TFS 2015 Update 3.