Can somebody please show me in C-style pseudocode how to write a function (represent the points however you like) that returns true if 4-points (args to the function) form a rectangle, and false otherwise?
I came up with a solution that first tries to find 2 distinct pairs of points with equal x-value, then does this for the y-axis. But the code is rather long. Just curious to see what others come up with.
Here, we are using geometric properties of rectangle/square and Bit Magic.
Rectangle properties in play
Bit Magic
Since distances between 4 corners of a rectangle will always form 3 pairs, one for diagonal and two for each side of different length, XORing all the values will return 0 for a rectangle.
The distance from one point to the other 3 should form a right triangle:
(Of course in practice testing for equality of two floating point numbers a and b should be done with finite accuracy: e.g. abs(a-b) < 1E-6)
If the order is not known in advance, we need a slightly more complicated check: