Draw onto an ImageView

2019-06-07 01:45发布

I studied the Androidreference for hours now, but don't really get the clue how to draw something (Text, Bitmap, Path ....) on a ImageView.

Should I extend View and use the onDraw()-Method? If yes, how can I draw on my ImageView?

Or is there any other way to achieve my goal?

2楼-- · 2019-06-07 01:51

If you just want to draw another bitmap on your ImageView and it shouldn't be dynamic, than use AbsoluteLayout and position them above each other.

If it should be much more dynamic, I recommend to use a SurfaceView. A tutorial can be found here: http://www.droidnova.com/playing-with-graphics-in-android-part-i,147.html

(currently only online via webarchive: http://web.archive.org/web/20121005111921/http://www.droidnova.com/2d-tutorial-series)

3楼-- · 2019-06-07 01:59

SurfaceView is what you want. It will give you a Canvas object, onto which you can draw, using canvas.drawCircle(...), canvas.drawText(...), canvas.drawBitamp(...).

4楼-- · 2019-06-07 02:12

Yes, you can use the onDraw method. There is a Canvas object passed into that method that you will use to draw on the view. Here is an example of how to do it... taken from the Zebra Crossing barcode scanner application. It is the view that displays the dark outer box, red scanner line, and yellow scan result dots.

public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    Rect frame = CameraManager.get().getFramingRect();
    if (frame == null) {
    int width = canvas.getWidth();
    int height = canvas.getHeight();
    Log.v("ViewfinderView", "Canvas size: " + width + ", " + height);

    // Draw the exterior (i.e. outside the framing rect) darkened
    paint.setColor(resultBitmap != null ? resultColor : maskColor);
    canvas.drawRect(0, 0, width, frame.top, paint);
    canvas.drawRect(0, frame.top, frame.left, frame.bottom + 1, paint);
    canvas.drawRect(frame.right + 1, frame.top, width, frame.bottom + 1, paint);
    canvas.drawRect(0, frame.bottom + 1, width, height, paint);

    if (resultBitmap != null) {
      // Draw the opaque result bitmap over the scanning rectangle
      canvas.drawBitmap(resultBitmap, frame.left, frame.top, paint);
    } else {

      // Draw a two pixel solid black border inside the framing rect
      canvas.drawRect(frame.left, frame.top, frame.right + 1, frame.top + 2, paint);
      canvas.drawRect(frame.left, frame.top + 2, frame.left + 2, frame.bottom - 1, paint);
      canvas.drawRect(frame.right - 1, frame.top, frame.right + 1, frame.bottom - 1, paint);
      canvas.drawRect(frame.left, frame.bottom - 1, frame.right + 1, frame.bottom + 1, paint);

      // Draw a red "laser scanner" line through the middle to show decoding is active
      scannerAlpha = (scannerAlpha + 1) % SCANNER_ALPHA.length;
      int middle = frame.height() / 2 + frame.top;
      canvas.drawRect(frame.left + 2, middle - 1, frame.right - 1, middle + 2, paint);

      Collection<ResultPoint> currentPossible = possibleResultPoints;
      Collection<ResultPoint> currentLast = lastPossibleResultPoints;
      if (currentPossible.isEmpty()) {
        lastPossibleResultPoints = null;
      } else {
        possibleResultPoints = new HashSet<ResultPoint>(5);
        lastPossibleResultPoints = currentPossible;
        for (ResultPoint point : currentPossible) {
          canvas.drawCircle(frame.left + point.getX(), frame.top + point.getY(), 6.0f, paint);
      if (currentLast != null) {
        paint.setAlpha(OPAQUE / 2);
        for (ResultPoint point : currentLast) {
          canvas.drawCircle(frame.left + point.getX(), frame.top + point.getY(), 3.0f, paint);

      // Request another update at the animation interval, but only repaint the laser line,
      // not the entire viewfinder mask.
      postInvalidateDelayed(ANIMATION_DELAY, frame.left, frame.top, frame.right, frame.bottom);
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