To understand well the concept behind how Support Vector Machine works in MATLAB, I advised you to read briefly THIS VERY IMPORTANT LINK.
I am trying to apply the same concept but I have different train set and test set.
For more precision:
My train set refers to be named as C2res{1} where this last is equal to:
C2res{1} =
1.0e-05 *
Columns 1 through 10
0.5341 0.5822 0.6185 0.7555 0.7369 0.7131 0.5985 0.6483 0.5668 0.6620
Columns 11 through 12
0.6523 0.6097
My test set refers to be named as C2res{2} where this last has the same form of C2res{1} but with different values...
Then, I used the concept used in the above link:
XTrain = [C2res{1}];
XTest = [C2res{2}];
label = [ones(size(C2res{1},2),1)];
SVMStruct = svmtrain(XTrain , label, 'kernel_function', 'linear');
Group = svmclassify(SVMStruct, XTest);
But unfortunately I always get errors like as:
Error using svmtrain (line 335)
Y must contain exactly two groups for method 'SMO'.
That is why I need your help please.
Any help will be very appreciated!
Are you trying to implement the classification training with two classes? Your
label = [ones(size(C2res{1},2),1)];
contains only one value, and it seems to be expected two values (as two categories). I think that's the reason the error comes out.If you are applying one-class SVM, try to add such option (see this page for more references on the option):