I'm using telerik's jQuery software called Kendo UI, to create a modal popup window. I'm having a rather odd problem with a Kendo modal popup box, which contains a "Confirm"/"Cancel" confirmation. The first time I open the confirmation window & click either button (Confirm or Cancel), the window works correctly. The 2nd time I open this popup window & click a button, my Kendo's "click" event fires twice. The third time I open the window, the click event fires 3 times, etc. I can't figure out why. It should only be firing once.
Here's my js code. The click function that's firing twice is in both the Confirm & Cancel sections, beginning on the line that reads ".click(function () {" :
var kendoWindow = $("#delete-confirmation").kendoWindow({
title: "Confirm",
resizable: false,
modal: true,
center: true
.click(function () {
.click(function () {
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Sounds like you should initialize your dialog only once (create it and add your handlers). Then every time you need the dialog to show you only call your
line of code. It looks like each time you go to open the dialog its adding a new click hanlder and the previous handlers and the new handler will all be called on the click event.