With the new Android 2.2+ operating systems deployed on Samsung phones, the call log has been replaced with a special super log. The super log contains also the information about sent sms. How I can delete this type of log? Can I use a particular Uri (content://...) to delete it? I read that Samsung uses the LogsProvider.apk to manage logs, is there the open source code of it?
Thanks. Denis.
Uri to be used for deleting Samsung log is "content://logs/historys".
Use this Uri to delete all the sms log of a particular number.
String smsLogUri = "content://logs/historys";
Context.getContentResolver().delete(Uri.parse(smsLogUri), " logtype = 300 and number like ?", new String[]{phoneNumber});
logtype= 300 is used to delete only sms log. If you want to delete sms log of all numbers then use:
Context.getContentResolver().delete(Uri.parse(smsLogUri), " logtype = 300 ", null);
You can try to delete the calls using this:
I don't think
app Samsung is open source.