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TypeScript Version
Typescript 0.9.5+ have a dependency on Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.11.0.dll. Therefore, these instructions will no longer be updated.
The following is provided for educational purposes. Please adhere to all licensing and redistribution requirements. For prior versions of TypeScript, please see the edit history for this answer.
"%wix%\bin\dark.exe" -x .\TypeScriptSetup TypeScriptSetup.
Execute the following commands
For Windows 7 Users
Execute the command:
TypeScript_CORE.msi /l* log.txt VS11_EXTENSIONS_DIR="%VSDir%\Extensions\Microsoft" VS11_NEWSCRIPTITEMS_DIR="%VSDir%\NewFileItems" VS11DEVENV="%Devenv%" VS11_TARGETSINSTALLFOLDER="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\TypeScript"
For Windows Vista Users
You will need to build a new installer using Wix
"%wix%\bin\dark.exe" -x .\TypeScript_CORE TypeScript_Core.msi
"%wix%\bin\candle.exe" TypeScript_CORE.wxs
"%wix%\bin\light.exe" -o TypescriptVista TypeScript_CORE.wixobj
TypeScriptVista.msi /l* log.txt VS11_EXTENSIONS_DIR="%VSDir%\Extensions\Microsoft" VS11_NEWSCRIPTITEMS_DIR="%VSDir%\NewFileItems" VS11DEVENV="%Devenv%"
Config File
Existing projects will need to have the following elements added to the bottom of the project file. Note the elements that have been added prior to the BeforeBuild element.
Uninstalling may need to be done twice before TypeScript no longer appears in the Programs and Features list. After uninstalling the first time, refresh the application list by hitting F5. Some files may still be present after uninstallation.
There are additional custom properties for debugger paths in the TypeScript_CORE.msi. I am assuming at this point that VS 2010 is not compatible with script debugging back to a different source file. However, someone else may wish to try to get this working. The other custom property names are: VS11_DEBUGGER_DIR, VS11_DEBUGGER_X64_DIR, and VS11_REMOTEDEBUGGER_DIR
There are additional custom properties to enable install with one or both of visual web developer or visual web developer express. I do not have the ability to test an install with these products. The custom properties in the TypeScript_CORE.msi file related to this install are: VWD11_EXTENSIONS_DIR, VWDExpress11, and VWD11_NEWSCRIPTITEMS_DIR
Revision History
After following Richard Collette's Windows 7 instructions, the installer should produce the following error and then complete:
If this causes any problems, running the following command may help