I'm a Java beginner.
I already created a simple GUI application that display will "hello world" label.
But, how can I create an installer from .java or .jar for windows. Let's say that I have created a useful application and want to share it with my friends to install it in their PC without they need to know what is JRE, or how to download JRE.
You can use either NSIS or Inno Setup
Basically, you have to save your project in jar and then convert to exe, you can use jar4exe or other software. When you have the exe file, use an installer software like Inno Setup Compile or other. After all those stpes Your project will be ready to be install in windows, mac or linux platform. Good Luck.
Deploy the app. from a web site using Java Web Start. Ensure the user has the minimum Java using
(linked from the JWS info page).