This is how I am using date picker in my view:
<input type="text" class="form-control datepicker" name="ChartStartDate1" id="dailySummaryDt" data-bind="datePicker: targetDate, minDate: viewModel.datePickerMinDate()" />
<span id="temp" data-bind="text:viewModel.datePickerMinDate()"></span>
The last line with span works perfectly. I created that span just to check if my model has correct value or not. But the date picker is not picking up that value, and I'm not sure why.
The minDate
for date picker is not being set; in other words I am not able to set the minimum date for the date picker. Please note that the following works correctly:
minDate: new Date() or
minDate:new Date('01/10/2015')
This does not work. If I try to debug my binding handler the value for date is either undefined or invalid in all these cases:
minDate: new Date(viewModel.datePickerMinDate()) OR
minDate: viewModel.datePickerMinDate() OR
minDate: viewModel.datePickerMinDate
Here is the code for my binding handler
ko.bindingHandlers.datePicker = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings) {
var minDate = moment(allBindings.get('minDate') || ''),
maxDate = moment(allBindings.get('maxDate') || ''),
options = {
minDate: minDate.isValid() ? minDate.toDate() : undefined,
maxDate: maxDate.isValid() ? maxDate.toDate() : undefined,
onClose: function () { if ($.fn.valid) $(this).valid(); },
dateFormat: allBindings.get('format') || GGS.dateFormats.pickerDateFormat
dp = $(element).datepicker(options);
console.log('minDate ' + minDate + ' ' + moment.utc($("#ChartStartDate").val()).format('MM/DD/YYYY'));
dp.change(function () {
var observable = valueAccessor(),
unwrapped = ko.unwrap(observable)
current = unwrapped ? moment.utc(unwrapped) : null,
raw = dp.datepicker("getDate"),
localValue = raw ? moment(raw) : null, //n.b. not UTC; stupid jQuery UI
value = localValue ? moment.utc([localValue.year(), localValue.month(),]) : null //extract the date part to a UTC date
if (!value || (!current || !current.isSame(value, 'day'))) {
console.log('value = ' + value.toDate());
observable(value ? value.toDate() : value);
update: function (element, valueAccessor) {
var dp = $(element);
var observable = valueAccessor(),
unwrapped = ko.unwrap(observable),
value = unwrapped ? moment.utc(unwrapped) : null,
localValue = value ? moment([value.year(), value.month(),]) : null //make sure that jQuery UI shows the date we expect, rather than trying to convert to local time
dp.datepicker("setDate", localValue ? localValue.toDate() : localValue);
Well as mentioned in comments you just have to do this
Working fiddle for reference here