I need to show the confirm box "Are you sure You Want To continue?" If "Yes" I need the ASP.NET textbox value to be cleared out. Otherwise it should not be cleared.
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In your asp textbox tag add this:
... And add this script:
If you want this to happen on click of your radio box, put it in this tag and just replace onclientclick with onclick.
There is also a timer stop doing in the function. The confirmation box if press "Ok" timer stops and also its redirected to new page "Default2.aspx"
else if chosen cancel then nothing happens.
if this is your textbox markup:
and then this is the button that will trigger the confirm:
then you'll need the following javascript:
If all you want to do is to clear the textbox but always continue with the postback then you don't ever need to return false as above but always return true as below. In this scenario you should rethink the message you display to the user.
Note the myAspTextBox refers to the name of the asp:textbox controls ID property
Hope this helps
If you download the AjaxControlToolkit you can use the ConfirmButtonExtender to display a simple confirmation box to a user after a button is clicked to proceed with the action or cancel
You can see here for an example and here for a tutorial on how to implement this
Okay I just noticed the bit about radio buttons, in any case the AjaxControlToolkit is a good place to start if you want to implement JavaScript solutions in .Net projects