I am able to uploading a text file to folder in google drive using google drive android api .Sample code
But i would like to uplaod a image to google drive .Is it possible?
code for create text file:
final private ResultCallback<DriveContentsResult> driveContentsCallback = new
ResultCallback<DriveContentsResult>() {
public void onResult(DriveContentsResult result) {
if (!result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
showMessage("Error while trying to create new file contents");
final DriveContents driveContents = result.getDriveContents();
// Perform I/O off the UI thread.
new Thread() {
public void run() {
// write content to DriveContents
OutputStream outputStream = driveContents.getOutputStream();
Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream);
try {
writer.write("Hello World!");
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
MetadataChangeSet changeSet = new MetadataChangeSet.Builder()
.setTitle("New file")
// create a file on root folder
.createFile(getGoogleApiClient(), changeSet, driveContents)
Now i need MimeType("image/jpeg") and i have to change OutputStreamWriter?
Any help appreciated..:)
WARNING : The Drive Android API is deprecated as of December 6, 2018 and will be turned down on December 6, 2019. Hence you shouldn't upload images to Google Drive for storage purpose, you should use Firebase / other solutions
Your code is for uploading Text File. To upload a Image file, use below code:
Also Implements