I have a question regarding google.visualization.Calendar. I have read the [https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/calendar#months][1] but still couldn't find any solutions
The below code is the code that I'm using for testing.
var dataTable=new google.visualization.DataTable();
dataTable.addColumn({type:'date', id:'Date'});
dataTable.addColumn({type:'number',id:'Events Found'});
[ new Date(2016, (05-1), 19), 400],
[ new Date(2016, 02, 23), 300],
[ new Date(2016, 05, 24), 300],
[ new Date(2016, 06, 23), 300]
var chart=new google.visualization.Calendar(document.getElementById('calendarView'));
var options={
title: "Event Calendar",
width: 500,
calendar: {
cellSize: 5 ,
focusedCellColor: {
stroke: 'red',
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWidth: 3
/*noDataPattern: {
backgroundColor: '#76a7fa',
color: '#a0c3ff'
calendar: {
underYearSpace: 2,
yearLabel: {
fontName: 'Times-Roman',
fontSize: 32,
color: '#e6ecff',
bold: true,
italic: true
I need to add a click event handler when user click the specific date. How to do that?
Here are the codes I tested with no results.
code :1
alert ('click');
code :2
google.visualization.events.trigger(dataTable, 'select', selectHandler);
function selectHandler() {
alert('A table row was selected');
Any tip to solve them would be appreciated.
calendar events include
, but no'click'
...to use the
event, the listener must be added to thechart
,before it is drawn.
see following example...