I have saved a bunch of NSUserDefaults in my app and now I am trying to find out where in the world is the plist file for for my app in Xcode 6. Here is the path for my apps document dir.
I have searched everywhere in the folder but I couldn't find where the plist file is? Is it located somewhere else? I need to manually edit a NSUserDefaults in it.
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:@"1" forKey:@"firstTimeLaunch1257"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
Update in 27 Jul 2017
macos Sierra 10.12.5
The path could be the following in simulator for developer,
The path mentioned in the selected answer is for Apple Plist.
plist file is in theCoreSimulator/Devices/<device id>/data/Library/Preferences
folder.This folder contains the
files for all apps installed in that simulator.The name of the plist file will match your app's bundle id.