I want to create a SVG with repeated elements. Therefore, I created a SVG of the image that I want to use multiple times and I include it by using the <image>
tag (described here). Let us call this multiple-use-image "M" and let us call the SVG file with the <image>
tag "S".
The Problem: No SVG Viewer antialiases image M.
For example, if I use ImageMagick to convert the final SVG to a PNG I use
convert -antialias -density 2000 file.svg -quality 100 file.png
Yet, image M is not rendered with 2000 DPI and completely pixelated whereas the shapes directly created in S look perfect.
For example in S.svg:
<image xlink:href="M.svg" /> <!-- This looks pixelated -->
<path d="M 0 0 50 50" stroke="black" /> <!-- This looks crisp -->
How can I make programs, any program, render image M at higher DPI?
Depending on the included image (is it used somewhere else?), you could include it in your main SVG as well using
.This lets you define groups within an SVG, that are used multiple times throughout the SVG. Seems like a perfect fit here.
An example would be something like this: