Are there any good programs out there to compare to compile .NET assemblies?
For example I have HelloWorld.dll ( and HelloWorld.dll (, and I want to compare differences how can I do this?
I know I can use .NET Reflector and use the Assembly Diff plugin. Are there any other good tools out there to do this?
The tool NDepend offers many features to handle .NET code diff. Disclaimer: I am one of the developer of the tool.
The panel Search by Change is dedicated to browse assemblies code diff. Notice that:
Notice also in the screenshot that a CQLinq code query is generated to browse the diff.
Many others default diff queries and rules are proposed by default, that will let you browse .NET code diff in a smart way.
One more option is LibCheck from Microsoft.
Pretty old console tool for just getting public API diff. I could not run without debugging and retargeting to a more recent .net version. However, it gave me very clear output and I am going to use it later.
Here is an article with screenshots.
Ways to Compare .NET Assemblies suggests
Java has a nice one: Semantic Diff Utilities
I just had to compare two revisions of the same DLL, which had the same version (I needed to implement a small hotfix, and deploy the DLL in production, but I wanted to make sure that no other changes leaked into code). Ideally, I would want the Assemby Diff add-in to show me the difference, but it does not work (it thinks that I'm comparing a DLL to itself). So this is what I did:
It's a bit kludgy, but seems to work. I wish the Assembly Diff add-in worked, though.
UPDATE: The latest version of the Assembly Diff add-in is supposed to fix the issue of comparing two versions of the same assembly. Give it a try.
Two ways.
You could ILDASM and diff with classic tools.
Or you could use NDepends, which will cost for that feature.
[Piece to C# bloaters..]