I have a script that performs some calculations on a protein. When it's finished, a method imports the pymol
module, and uses the pymol.cmd
API to display results in a PyMOL session. The process is something akin to the following:
def display_results(results, protein_fn):
import pymol
protein_fn = "1abc.ent"
results = analyze_protein(protein_fn)
display_results(results, protein_fn)
However, my script doesn't necessarily need to display the results in PyMOL, and I'd like this to only be done if PyMOL is installed and running.
It's easy to check if PyMOL is installed (I can just try: import pymol
), but is there a way to check if there's an active PyMOL session to display results in?
I usually just do something like:
I don't know if that's Python "best practices", but PyMol scripts are usually just quick, one-off things in most cases, anyways.
I'm not an expert on PyMOL (haven't ever scripted it) but I see 2 possible ways:
os.system("ps ux | grep -i pymol")
)First way is better, second is a dirty hack.