Is std::vector so much slower than plain arrays?

2018-12-31 15:34发布

I've always thought it's the general wisdom that std::vector is "implemented as an array," blah blah blah. Today I went down and tested it, and it seems to be not so:

Here's some test results:

UseArray completed in 2.619 seconds
UseVector completed in 9.284 seconds
UseVectorPushBack completed in 14.669 seconds
The whole thing completed in 26.591 seconds

That's about 3 - 4 times slower! Doesn't really justify for the "vector may be slower for a few nanosecs" comments.

And the code I used:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/ptime.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/microsec_time_clock.hpp>

class TestTimer
        TestTimer(const std::string & name) : name(name),

            using namespace std;
            using namespace boost;

            posix_time::ptime now(date_time::microsec_clock<posix_time::ptime>::local_time());
            posix_time::time_duration d = now - start;

            cout << name << " completed in " << d.total_milliseconds() / 1000.0 <<
                " seconds" << endl;

        std::string name;
        boost::posix_time::ptime start;

struct Pixel

    Pixel(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b) : r(r), g(g), b(b)

    unsigned char r, g, b;

void UseVector()
    TestTimer t("UseVector");

    for(int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
        int dimension = 999;

        std::vector<Pixel> pixels;
        pixels.resize(dimension * dimension);

        for(int i = 0; i < dimension * dimension; ++i)
            pixels[i].r = 255;
            pixels[i].g = 0;
            pixels[i].b = 0;

void UseVectorPushBack()
    TestTimer t("UseVectorPushBack");

    for(int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
        int dimension = 999;

        std::vector<Pixel> pixels;
            pixels.reserve(dimension * dimension);

        for(int i = 0; i < dimension * dimension; ++i)
            pixels.push_back(Pixel(255, 0, 0));

void UseArray()
    TestTimer t("UseArray");

    for(int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
        int dimension = 999;

        Pixel * pixels = (Pixel *)malloc(sizeof(Pixel) * dimension * dimension);

        for(int i = 0 ; i < dimension * dimension; ++i)
            pixels[i].r = 255;
            pixels[i].g = 0;
            pixels[i].b = 0;


int main()
    TestTimer t1("The whole thing");


    return 0;

Am I doing it wrong or something? Or have I just busted this performance myth?

I'm using Release mode in Visual Studio 2005.

In Visual C++, #define _SECURE_SCL 0 reduces UseVector by half (bringing it down to 4 seconds). This is really huge, IMO.

2楼-- · 2018-12-31 15:58

Some profiler data (pixel is aligned to 32 bits):

g++ -msse3 -O3 -ftree-vectorize -g test.cpp -DNDEBUG && ./a.out
UseVector completed in 3.123 seconds
UseArray completed in 1.847 seconds
UseVectorPushBack completed in 9.186 seconds
The whole thing completed in 14.159 seconds


andrey@nv:~$ opannotate --source libcchem/src/a.out  | grep "Total samples for file" -A3
Overflow stats not available
 * Total samples for file : "/usr/include/c++/4.4/ext/new_allocator.h"
 * 141008 52.5367
 * Total samples for file : "/home/andrey/libcchem/src/test.cpp"
 *  61556 22.9345
 * Total samples for file : "/usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_vector.h"
 *  41956 15.6320
 * Total samples for file : "/usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_uninitialized.h"
 *  20956  7.8078
 * Total samples for file : "/usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_construct.h"
 *   2923  1.0891

In allocator:

               :      // _GLIBCXX_RESOLVE_LIB_DEFECTS
               :      // 402. wrong new expression in [some_] allocator::construct
               :      void
               :      construct(pointer __p, const _Tp& __val)
141008 52.5367 :      { ::new((void *)__p) _Tp(__val); }


               :void UseVector()
               :{ /* UseVector() total:  60121 22.3999 */
 10790  4.0201 :        for (int i = 0; i < dimension * dimension; ++i) {
   495  0.1844 :            pixels[i].r = 255;
 12618  4.7012 :            pixels[i].g = 0;
  2253  0.8394 :            pixels[i].b = 0;
               :        }


               :void UseArray()
               :{ /* UseArray() total:  35191 13.1114 */
   136  0.0507 :        for (int i = 0; i < dimension * dimension; ++i) {
  9897  3.6874 :            pixels[i].r = 255;
  3511  1.3081 :            pixels[i].g = 0;
 21647  8.0652 :            pixels[i].b = 0;

Most of the overhead is in the copy constructor. For example,

    std::vector < Pixel > pixels;//(dimension * dimension, Pixel());

    pixels.reserve(dimension * dimension);

    for (int i = 0; i < dimension * dimension; ++i) {

        pixels[i].r = 255;

        pixels[i].g = 0;

        pixels[i].b = 0;

It has the same performance as an array.

3楼-- · 2018-12-31 15:58

With the right options, vectors and arrays can generate identical asm. In these cases, they are of course the same speed, because you get the same executable file either way.

4楼-- · 2018-12-31 16:01

Well, because vector::resize() does much more processing than plain memory allocation (by malloc).

Try to put a breakpoint in your copy constructor (define it so that you can breakpoint!) and there goes the additional processing time.

5楼-- · 2018-12-31 16:03

Try with this:

void UseVectorCtor()
    TestTimer t("UseConstructor");

    for(int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
        int dimension = 999;

        std::vector<Pixel> pixels(dimension * dimension, Pixel(255, 0, 0));

I get almost exactly the same performance as with array.

The thing about vector is that it's a much more general tool than an array. And that means you have to consider how you use it. It can be used in a lot of different ways, providing functionality that an array doesn't even have. And if you use it "wrong" for your purpose, you incur a lot of overhead, but if you use it correctly, it is usually basically a zero-overhead data structure. In this case, the problem is that you separately initialized the vector (causing all elements to have their default ctor called), and then overwriting each element individually with the correct value. That is much harder for the compiler to optimize away than when you do the same thing with an array. Which is why the vector provides a constructor which lets you do exactly that: initialize N elements with value X.

And when you use that, the vector is just as fast as an array.

So no, you haven't busted the performance myth. But you have shown that it's only true if you use the vector optimally, which is a pretty good point too. :)

On the bright side, it's really the simplest usage that turns out to be fastest. If you contrast my code snippet (a single line) with John Kugelman's answer, containing heaps and heaps of tweaks and optimizations, which still don't quite eliminate the performance difference, it's pretty clear that vector is pretty cleverly designed after all. You don't have to jump through hoops to get speed equal to an array. On the contrary, you have to use the simplest possible solution.

6楼-- · 2018-12-31 16:06

Using the following:

g++ -O3 Time.cpp -I <MyBoost>
UseArray completed in 2.196 seconds
UseVector completed in 4.412 seconds
UseVectorPushBack completed in 8.017 seconds
The whole thing completed in 14.626 seconds

So array is twice as quick as vector.

But after looking at the code in more detail this is expected; as you run across the vector twice and the array only once. Note: when you resize() the vector you are not only allocating the memory but also running through the vector and calling the constructor on each member.

Re-Arranging the code slightly so that the vector only initializes each object once:

 std::vector<Pixel>  pixels(dimensions * dimensions, Pixel(255,0,0));

Now doing the same timing again:

g++ -O3 Time.cpp -I <MyBoost>
UseVector completed in 2.216 seconds

The vector now performance only slightly worse than the array. IMO this difference is insignificant and could be caused by a whole bunch of things not associated with the test.

I would also take into account that you are not correctly initializing/Destroying the Pixel object in the UseArrray() method as neither constructor/destructor is not called (this may not be an issue for this simple class but anything slightly more complex (ie with pointers or members with pointers) will cause problems.

7楼-- · 2018-12-31 16:06

The vector ones are additionally calling Pixel constructors.

Each is causing almost a million ctor runs that you're timing.

edit: then there's the outer 1...1000 loop, so make that a billion ctor calls!

edit 2: it'd be interesting to see the disassembly for the UseArray case. An optimizer could optimize the whole thing away, since it has no effect other than burning CPU.

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