I have a class as below:
public class A {
public A(String test) {
bla bla bla
public String check() {
bla bla bla
The logic in the constructor A(String test)
and check()
are the things I am trying to mock. I want any calls like: new A($$$any string$$$).check()
returns a dummy string "test"
I tried:
A a = mock(A.class);
String test = a.check(); // to this point, everything works. test shows as "tests"
// also tried:
new A("random string").check(); // this doesn't work
But it doesn't seem to be working. new A($$$any string$$$).check()
is still going through the constructor logic instead of fetch the mocked object of A
Without Using Powermock .... See the example below based on Ben Glasser answer since it took me some time to figure it out ..hope that saves some times ...
Original Class :
Modified Class :
Test Class
To my knowledge, you can't mock constructors with mockito, only methods. But according to the wiki on the Mockito google code page there is a way to mock the constructor behavior by creating a method in your class which return a new instance of that class. then you can mock out that method. Below is an excerpt directly from the Mockito wiki:
If you're just wanting to return a mocked object of your class I think this should work for you. In any case you can read more about mocking object creation here:
The code you posted works for me with the latest version of Mockito and Powermockito. Maybe you haven't prepared A? Try this:
Both tests should pass with mockito 1.9.0, powermockito 1.4.12 and junit 4.8.2
Mockito has limitations testing final, static, and private methods.
with jMockit testing library, you can do few stuff very easy and straight-forward as below:
Mock constructor of a java.io.File class:
Mock a static method: