Add common parameter in each http request

2019-06-05 08:14发布

Suppose that all of my Rest API need to accept following parameters:
1) param1
2) param2

It would be tedious for me to implement this way (refer to code right below). Moreover, it defies the concept of DRY. What I am looking for is a global configuration that allows default parameter to be passed along with the http request.

I believe that $httpProvider is the closest i can get (since it can define cookie expiry, header etc globally) but it seems that i could not find the way of using it to pass parameters.

angular.module('').factory('Entry', function($resource) {
  return {
      method1: $resource('/api/entries/:id/:param1/:param2',
      { id: '@_id', param1:'@param1', param2: '@param2'}, {
        update: {
          method: 'PUT' // this method issues a PUT request
      method2: $resource('/api/entries2/:param1/:param2',
      {param1:'@param1', param2: '@param2'}, {


I expect something like this from the final optimize code.


angular.module('').factory('Entry', function($resource) {
  return {
      method1: $resource('/api/entries/:id/',
      { id: '@_id' }, {
        update: {
          method: 'PUT' // this method issues a PUT request
      method2: $resource('/api/entries2'),
      {}, {


2楼-- · 2019-06-05 08:37

You have to create an interceptor service and then add the interceptor to the $httpProvider in your app.config().

Create your interceptor service:

angular.module('app').factory('myInterceptorService', myInterceptorService);

function myInterceptorService(){
   var param1,param2;
       request:  requestInterceptor,
       setParams:  setParams
  function requestInterceptor(config){
       return config;
  function setParams(p1,p2){

To register with app config, add $httpProvider to app.config

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