I have a dojo grid with a json datastore (mysql resultset converted into json format). Currently my grid show 5 columns as shown below in the figure:
I have column named 'Action'. The rows under this 'Action' column should contain buttons or images(edit icon, delete icon) with hyperlinks such as edit.php?id=1 for edit, or delete.php?id=1 for delete. Here is my dojo grid code:
<span dojoType="dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore" data-dojo-id="studentsStore" url="http://localhost/newsmis/public/studentManagement/student/fetchdata/data/1"></span>
<table dojoType="dojox.grid.DataGrid" id="studentsGrid" data-dojo-id="studentsGrid" columnReordering="true" sortFields="['idstudents','first_name','middle_name','last_name']" store="studentsStore" clientSort="true" selectionMode="single" rowHeight="25" noDataMessage="<span class='dojoxGridNoData'>No students found</span>">
<th field="idstudents" width="20%">Student ID</th>
<th field="first_name" width="20%">First Name</th>
<th field="middle_name" width="20%">Middle Name</th>
<th field="last_name" width="20%">Last Name</th>
<th field="action" width="20%">Action</th>
My json data format is
How can i do it? Please suggest me some ideas
If you don't want a button, but only an image icon, you can return a span-element from the formatter function like this:
An css class has to be defined like
As documentation of dojox.grid.DataGrid stays:
piece of code example:
This is JSfiddle example how to do it in dgrid by using function renderCell in column properties of dgrid.
Here is the working example,
Image in dojo Grid
The one way I know is, that defining formatting method for that column in grid structure. So instead of defining the structure of the grid declaratively, define in JavaScript object like below
and set this structure to the grid