I'm creating an UWP application with a background task. I don't want to run the background when the real application is running or suspended. Is there some way to achieve that? I’ve looked on SystemConditionType but nothing fits what I'm looking for.
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Since background tasks (except special ones) run in a separate process, there is not an elegant way to check if app is running or not since memory is not shared between the app and the background task. There are two ways that I implemented successfully:
App Service
Create an app service in the app, in the background task, try to connect to the service. If service is available, it means that the app is running. This is the favorite one when you need communication between the task and the app.
File Lock
This is the favorite one in simple scenarios that you just need to know if the app is running or not.
Note: In the new API that is available in anniversary update, background tasks may be executed in the same process as the app. Using the new model, you won't have this problem anymore.