My app has been approved, and I am at the final approval that requires addon installation testing.
Here is what Google Docs ux team says
"There appears to be a problem with the authMode setup - likely on the onOpen function. This causes the menu items to only appear on the first doc the add-on is installed in. Appears empty on all other docs (screenshot attached). For more info:"
Here is an unresolved similar issue Google Add-on adding menu items in limited mode app scripts Now, I am not doing anything special in onOpen and onInstall, just textbook stuff. Any tips? (redacted the menu titles...)
function onOpen(e) {
.addItem('menu1...', 'showSidebar')
.addItem('Buyxxxxx', 'showSales')
.addItem('Getting Started', 'showIntro')
* Runs when the add-on is installed.
* @param {object} e The event parameter for a simple onInstall trigger. To
* determine which authorization mode (ScriptApp.AuthMode) the trigger is
* running in, inspect e.authMode. (In practice, onInstall triggers always
* run in AuthMode.FULL, but onOpen triggers may be AuthMode.LIMITED or
* AuthMode.NONE.)
function onInstall(e) {
The warning here helped
Need to look at console for errors, and I found one: