I got this function.
change <- function(score, d, k, p) {k*(score - 1/(1+k^(d/p)))}
I would like to plot, in one single plot, all results of this function for a range of arguments d and p. In base r it would be this.
parameters <- c(100:400)
colorshelf <-rainbow(length(parameters)) #red is low
for(i in seq_along(parameters)) {
curve(change(score=1, d=x, k=100, p=parameters[i]), from=0, to=500, add=T, col=colorshelf[i])
But I thought this must be possible in ggplot2, but can not wrap my head around this. I am currently stuck with this. Any help is appreciated.
ggp <- ggplot(data.frame(Ds=c(0:1000), Ps=c(0:1000)), aes(x=Ds, col=Ps)) +
stat_function(fun=change, args=list(score=1, d=Ds, k=100, p=Ps))
I would do this outside of
. I think it might be too much to expectggplot
to vectorise over two different parameters ...This is with tidyverse, but could easily be done with
as well.I only did
from 0 to 100 (rather than 0 to 1000) because 1 million points is a fairly large data set for ggplot. (Do you really need to see 1000 separate values? Maybeseq(0,1000,length=100)
?just now, i had a very similar problem; i wanted to plot a function in ggplot with multiple parameters stored rowwise in a dataframe. As i did not need the dataframe with the function evaluated for each data point in the remainder of my code, i let ggplot do the dirty work for me. However, my approach comes at the minor disadvantage of positional knowlege on the dataframes ordering in apply (which should not be your problem). Also i need a color column (here: 'group'), which was in my case actually desirable for grouping. And ever since your parameters are unbalnced, you will have to expand.grid the parameters
The skeleton of the solution i came up with is basically the following:
But if you would have a non-standardized set of parameters (e.g. sometimes you dont have values for mean or sd and would want to omit them entirely in the passing of args) a more flexible approach with lapply might be an alternative. Note, that if you would like to use a default value of the function e.g. dnorm, you do not need to specify the particular parameter.