Ive read so many articles on using Powermock and Mockito and tried so many different ways, but I still cant figure out the way to unit test the below static method.
public static Map<String, String> getEntries() {
Map<String, String> myEntriesMap = new TreeMap<String, String>();
ResourceBundle myEntries = ResourceBundle.getBundle(ENTRIES_BUNDLE);
Enumeration<String> enumList = myEntries.getKeys();
String key = null;
String value = null;
while (enumList.hasMoreElements()) {
key = enumList.nextElement().toString();
value = myEntries.getString(key);
myEntriesMap.put(key, value);
return myEntriesMap;
The code is part of a (legacy) class containing about 30 static methods like this and refactoring is not really an option. Similarly in some other static methods, DBconnections are being retrieved.
Eg : How do I mock the resource bundle ENTRIES_BUNDLE and unit test this method ? I am looking for a pattern that could be applied generally to all the static methods.
You don't need to mock the
method. Simply create a ".properties" file at the proper place in the test source tree, instead. This will still be a perfectly good and useful unit test.Use ResourceBundle.getBundle( String, ResourceBundle.Control ) to get ResourceBundle to cache a bundle for the given String. You can subclass ResourceBundle.Control to provide any type of bundle your heart desires.
Here's the subclassed Control:
And here's one way to mock the ResourceBundle (filling up the TreeMap with keys/values as needed for the unit tests left as an exercise for the reader):
We had a simular issue mocking the ResourceBundle.getString() method.
java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find resource for bundle $java.util.ResourceBundle$$EnhancerByMockitoWithCGLIB$$e9ea44f0, key name
Our problem was that the method was final, which makes it impossible for mockito to mock the method.
Instead we used this soultion: https://code.google.com/p/powermock/wiki/MockSystem
Note that @PrepareForTest({ClassThatCallsTheSystemClass.class}) is NOT the ResourceBundle class!
If you are using the following libraries: mockito-all and jmockit do this steps:
Let say that you want to mock the method yyyy from the xxxx.class
in your test: