I have successfully pushed my docker image to the registry:
However, pachyderm is still unable to pull docker image(from logs):
container "user" in pod "pipeline-mopng-beneficiary-v2-v1-b6kln" is waiting to start: trying and failing to pull image
Where should I specify the image so that pachyderm is able to pull one? This is my config file:
"pipeline": {
"name": "mopng-beneficiary-v2"
"input": {
"pfs": {
"repo": "mopng_beneficiary_v2",
"glob": "/*"
"transform": {
"cmd": ["python3", "/pclean.py /pfs/mopng_beneficiary_v2/euoEQHIwIQTe1wXtg46fFYok.csv /pfs/mopng_beneficiary_v2//Users/aviralsrivastava/Downloads/5Feb18_master_ujjwala_latlong_dist_dno_so_v7.csv /pfs/mopng_beneficiary_v2//Users/aviralsrivastava/Downloads/ppac_master_v3_mmi_enriched_with_sanity_check.csv /pfs/mopng_beneficiary_v2/Qc.csv"],
"image": "username/my-image"
It sounds like you might be missing
image_pull_secrets: []
(documented further down in the spec)