I would like to be able to have several different "zones" indicated by the background on my jqplot bar chart.
I have looked through the documentation, but have been unable to easily identify a way to do this.
Is there a simple "fill" function or parameter that would allow me to set the background in several bands of horizontal color (various heights)?
Thanks in advance.
I would use a similar approach as I suggest in the answer to a different question here.
A direct link to the code sample.
You would then set the sizes of the underlying lines accordingly to highlight your regions. This approach is for example used by @Katya presented in the link under one of the comments to the aforementioned answer.
Direct link to Katya's code sample.
You can also use the rectangle overlay developed by Bruno Harbulot : https://bitbucket.org/harbulot/jqplot
Here is a jsFiddle sample : http://jsfiddle.net/K2cVL/1/