I am monitoring my redis server using God (a Ruby gem). However, my existing server may already has an instance of redis up. How can I be sure it monitors the existing Redis server process that is already up?
This is my God file for redis:
rails_root = ENV['RAILS_ROOT']
redis_root = "/usr/local/bin"
# Redis
%w{6379}.each do |port|
God.watch do |w|
w.name = "redis"
w.interval = 30.seconds
w.start = "#{redis_root}/redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf"
w.stop = "#{redis_root}/redis-cli shutdown"
w.restart = "#{w.stop} && #{w.start}"
w.start_grace = 10.seconds
w.restart_grace = 10.seconds
w.log = File.join(rails_root, 'log', 'redis.log')
w.keepalive(:memory_max => 5000.megabytes)
w.start_if do |start|
start.condition(:process_running) do |c|
c.interval = 5.seconds
c.running = false
You should also add:
and then clean the pid file with
To answer this question:
I put a w.pid_file = "SOMETHING" in my God file, and made sure this PID file was also set in the configuration file for Redis.