How do you know when was a topic created in Kafka?
It seems that a few of the topics were created with a wrong number of partitions. Is there a way to know the date the topic was created? Supposedly, a topic with the name "test" was created with n
number of partitions. How can I find the date and time when this "test" topic was created on Kafka?
You can see the Kafka topic creation time(ctime) and last modified time(mtime) in zookeeper stat.
First login to zookeeper shell and add command "stat "
It will return below details:
You can refer this to understand the attributes :
You can tell the topic creation time by checking the zookeeper node creation time for the topic. Given that "zookeeper001:2181/foo" is the Kafka zookeeper connection string, and "test_topic" is the topic name, you can check the stat of znode to get the topic creation time:
I don't think that there is a way to check number of partitions at the topic creation time. You can always increase the topic partition number by using :