I am Unable to execute the selenium script on lookup FIeld of MSCRM
I am trying to select an item from lookup list in MSCRM 2011, it is not like drop down list. If you click the lookup image on the lookup field then a new window will open. In the new window a list of records is displayed and user has to select the particular record by clicking on the check-box corresponding to it and then click OK Button. Finally the selected record will appear in Lookup field.
DOM Structure of Lookup FIeld
<td class="Lookup_RenderButton_td" style="width: 21px">
<img id="customerid" class="ms-crm-ImageStrip-btn_off_lookup ms-crm-Lookup" defaultviewid="{A9AF0AB8-861D-4CFA-92A5-C6281FED7FAB}" savedquerytype="" isdisplayonly="false" resolveemailaddress="0" showproperty="1" disableviewpicker="0" disablequickfind="0" disablemru="0" allowfilteroff="1" autoresolve="1" defaulttype="1" lookupstyle="single" lookupbrowse="0" lookuptypeicons="/_imgs/ico_16_1.gif?ver=1287191314:/_imgs/ico_16_2.gif?ver=1287191314" lookuptypenames="account:1:Account,contact:2:Contact" crmattributeid="{09d25a7a-420f-42f7-bad4-192edc51356a}" lookuptypes="1,2" attrpriv="7" attrname="customerid" style="ime-mode:auto" req="2" alt="Click to select a value for Customer Name." src="/_imgs/btn_off_lookup.png" title="Click to select a value for Customer Name." forcesubmit="false">
<a tabindex="-1" onclick="Mscrm.Utilities.click(previousSibling);" href="#" title="Click to select a value for Customer Name."></a>
and Below is DOM Structure of New window which contains set of CheckBoX Records
<table id="gridBodyTable" class="ms-crm-List-Data" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="1" style="border-style:None;border-collapse:collapse;" summary="This list contains 50 Account records." primaryfieldname="name" tabindex="6" numrecords="50" oname="1" allrecordscounted="0" totalrecordcount="5000" morerecords="1" rules="rows">
<tr class="ms-crm-List-Row" otypename="account" otype="1" oid="{BF593B9E-E115-E511-8B6D-E4115BDF9DFD}">
<td class="ms-crm-List-NonDataCell" align="center">
<input id="checkBox_{BF593B9E-E115-E511-8B6D-E4115BDF9DFD}" class="ms-crm-RowCheckBox" type="checkbox" style=" " title=" MEXPrueba Compañia Número 1 " tabindex="6">
I am new to stack overflow so can't Upload the Image of the Issue. But for Click to Lookup Field I have Written Below Line :
Below Lines are for getting into new window
handles = driver.getWindowHandles();
for(String hnd : handles)
and Below Line is for selecting check box
for Lookup Working you can check Below Link
Let's try understand what you have to do to automate a lookup, first thing you can do is to click open the lookup and select the first one. But if you have a long list it's difficult to scroll & select. I suggest to type into the lookup text and move to the other field and CRM will resolve the lookup for you.
For lookup the Xpath would be something like this
and the inputbox as"//input[@id='new_lookupid_ledit']"
you need to perform the Click&Hold then Release & Click action on the lookup to get the input box with a caret before you type into it, asI see you are doing it in java and the example above is in C# so expect the syntax differences, but it worked for me in VS2015 hope it works for you to.