For example, in my WCF, if I have a Customer table and an Order table that have an association to each other on Customer ID.
I want to get the Count of the number of Orders for each Customer.
In regular VB code I can just do this:
Dim CustID As Integer = 1234
Dim cust As New MyService.Customer()
cust = cust.GetCustomer(CustID)
The above code works fine but if I want to access the same from within a GridView, it doesn't seem to react the same way (albiet, from a different method but I'm applying the same pricipals to each method though)
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="odsCustomers" runat="server" SelectMethod="GetCustomers" TypeName="MyService.Customer" />
<asp:GridView ...>
<asp:BoundField DataField="Orders.Count" HeaderText="Order Count" />
So how could I do something like this?
You could try adding a partial method to the Customer class called OrderCount and reference that in your BoundField. Right click you dbml file and go to View Code then add.