How do I set wifi ip address, dns address, gateway from android java i.e programmatically, I didn't find any method which has the capability to store the values.
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Not sure it will help but it's possible to manually set an alternative ip,gateway, dns etc for a particular access point in the Wireless settings. Whether you can do this automatically or using an intent is another question?
I just saw this which might be helpful
How can i call Wi-Fi settings screen from my application using Android
the follow code can also do that:
You can't do this from an application.
Would you like applications on your phone to change phone's settings at will?
You can change system settings programatically.
First you need to request the 'WRITE_SETTINGS' permission in your 'AndroidManifest.xml':
Then you need to actually change the setting using the following code:
The current settings can be accessed via the same method but use 'getString' instead of 'putString'.
For information about the settings option visit the reference here: Settings.System | Android Developers