I use Matt Gallagher's audio streamer for streaming radio stations. But how to record the audio? Is there a way to get the downloaded packets into NSData and save it in an audio file in the documents folder on the iPhone?
I use Matt Gallagher's audio streamer for streaming radio stations. But how to record the audio? Is there a way to get the downloaded packets into NSData and save it in an audio file in the documents folder on the iPhone?
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Yes, there is and I have done it. My problem is being able to play it back IN the same streamer (asked elsewhere). It will play back with the standard AVAudioPlayer in iOS. However, this will save the data to a file by writing it out in the streamer code.
This example is missing some error checks, but will give you the main idea.
First, a call from the main thread to start and stop recording. This is in my viewController when someone presses record:
NOW, in AudioStreamer.m I need to handle the record setup call above
LASTLY, we need to modify the data portion of the streamer to actually save the bytes. You need to modify the stream code in the method: -(void)handleReadFromStream:(CFReadStreamRef)aStreameventType:(CFStreamEventType)eventType Scroll down in that method until you find:
RIGHT after the length = line, add the following code:
Here are the .h declarations:
Added to the interface for AudioStreamer.h
In your view controller you will need:
Hope this helps someone. Let me know if questions, and always happy to hear someone who can improve this.
Also, someone asked about self.model.xxx Model is a Data Object I created to allow me to easily pass around data that is used by more than one object, and is also modified by more than one object. I know, global data is bad form, but there are times that just make it easier to access. I pass the data model to each new object when called. I save an array of channels, song name, artist name, and other stream related data inside the model. I also put any data I want to persist through launches here, like settings, and write this data model to a file each time a persistent data is changed. IN this example, you can keep the data locally. If you need help on the model passing, let me know.
OK, here is how I play back the recorded file. When playing a file, the station URL contains the path to the file. self.model.playRecordedSong contains a time value for how many seconds into the stream I want to play. I keep a dictionary of song name and time index, so I can jump into the recorded stream at the start of any song. Use 0 to start form the beginning.
I hope this helps you play back the recorded file.