When I have no rows returned, our jqGrid pager says Page 1 of NaN
The JSON returned is:
Why is NaN
Update: We only seem to have this issue when we use loadonce:true
Here's the source code:
datatype: 'json',
mtype: 'GET',
colNames:['Product', 'Type'],
colModel :[
{name:'product', index:'product', width:80},
{name:'type', index:'type', width:55, align:'right'},
pager: '#pager',
viewrecords: true ,
caption: 'Positions',
height: '460',
hidegrid: false
Update 2: What seems to work is the JSON below - is this right?
How about change the option "pgtext"?
It's trying to reference the first page of a recordset with no records.
Something is wrong in the definition of your jqGrid. Look at the simple example of jqGrid filled with your JSON data. You will see "No records to view" ar other text from
defined in grid.locale-XX.js (grid.locale-en.js for example).If you will continue to have problem you should append your question with the code of the jqGrid having the described problem.