Next January 1st:
Next March 17th:
edit: you just need to pay attention to whether the created date is less than now. Since it's currently february, getting next january needs to add 12 months, but getting next march doesn't.
function getNextJan(){
var j = moment().month(0).date(1).hour(0).minute(0).second(0)
if(j < moment()) return j.month(12)
return j
// date is a JS date or moment
// month is the zero indexed month (0 - 11)
function nextMonth(date, month) {
var input = moment(date);
var output = input.clone().startOf('month').month(month);
return output > input ? output : output.add(1, 'years');
@var date is a JS date or moment
@var month is the month in the 0-11 format
var getNextMonthOccurrence: function(date, month){
var m = moment(date);
var this_year = new Date(m.year(), month, 1);
var next_year = new Date(m.year() + 1, month, 1);
return this_year > m ? this_year : next_year;
Next January 1st:
Next March 17th:
edit: you just need to pay attention to whether the created date is less than now. Since it's currently february, getting next january needs to add 12 months, but getting next march doesn't.
You could do something like this.
See the documentation on manipulating a moment.
Wrote this:
But there's got to be a better way of doing it...