I get some result from simulation, and i want to make a facetting like this diagram below, and i don't know if it's possible to make this with ggplot2 and the facet_grid option.
My result for simulations have this "simplified" form, one line by simulation :
dat <- read.table(textConnection("P1 P2 P3 P4 R
1 2e-5 1.0 0.6 3 1
2 4e-6 1.5 0.7 1.5 2
3 6e-7 1.2 0.6 2.5 3
4 8e-8 1.45 0.65 3.2 4
And here you can see the simplified graphic i want to produce with ggplot2 and facet_grid
I have one facet/graph by parameter, with different scale corresponding to min/max values for each of my parameter... You can also see on this graphic the color correspondance to localize each simulation in parameter space.
Thanks a lot for help
Here is a start:
Plenty of other tweaks, but the gist is there. Usually a good first step is to
the data long and then start fiddling. As a side note, its a good idea to avoid usingdata
for a variable name since its a built in function.