I have following model
x <- rep(seq(0, 100, by=1), 10)
y <- 15 + 2*rnorm(1010, 10, 4)*x + rnorm(1010, 20, 100)
id <- NULL
for(i in 1:10){ id <- c(id, rep(i,101)) }
dtfr <- data.frame(x=x,y=y, id=id)
with(dtfr, summary( lme(y~x, random=~1+x|id, na.action=na.omit)))
model.mx <- with(dtfr, (lme(y~x, random=~1+x|id, na.action=na.omit)))
pd <- predict( model.mx, newdata=data.frame(x=0:100), level=0)
with(dtfr, plot(x, y))
lines(0:100, predict(model.mx, newdata=data.frame(x=0:100), level=0), col="darkred", lwd=7)
with predict
and level=0
i can plot the mean population response. How can I extract and plot the 95% confidence intervals / prediction bands from the nlme object for the whole population?
Warning: Read this thread on r-sig-mixed models before doing this. Be very careful when you interpret the resulting prediction band.
From r-sig-mixed models FAQ adjusted to your example: