How can I remove RVM (Ruby Version Manager) from my system?
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When using implode and you see:
Then you may want to use --force
Then remove rvm from following locations:
Check the following files and remove or comment out references to rvm
Comment-out / Remove the following lines from /etc/profile
/etc/profile is a readonly file so use
And after making the change write using a bang!
Finally re-login / restart your terminal.
If you're still getting a
env: ruby_executable_hooks: No such file or directory
when calling some Ruby package, that means RVM left a little gift for you in your$PATH
.Run the following to find the offending scripts:
all the matches. You'll have to reinstall all of those libraries with an RVM-freegem
, of course.In addition to @tadman's answer I removed the wrappers in
as well as the file/etc/profile.d/rvm
.The wrappers include:
Remove the RVM load script from /.bash_rc or /.zsh_rc, then use:
Run the following command
Now you need to unistall the rvm gem:
Check if there are any remaining rvm files in your home directory, if yes remove them.
Go to the home directory and list all hidden files
ls -a
A lot of people do a common mistake of thinking that 'rvm implode' does it . You need to delete all traces of any .rm files . Also , it will take some manual deletions from root . Make sure , it gets deleted and also all the ruby versions u installed using it .