I'm using express and redis to keep the session live on my system. I having some problems to set the maxAge on the sessionCookie. By the default I read that is 24hrs, but that's a long time to keep it live. I would like to set like 30 min and then logout the user, I changed for 1min to see if it works but nothing happens, the user still logged.
This is my session function:
module.exports.initSession = function(app, db) {
saveUninitialized: true,
resave: false,
secret: config.sessionSecret,
cookie: {
maxAge: 30*10000,
httpOnly: true,
secure: Boolean(process.env.ssl) || true
key: config.sessionKey,
store: new RedisStore({
host: config.redis.host || 'localhost',
port: config.redis.port || 6379,
db: config.redis.database || 0,
pass: config.redis.password || ''
I also tried using ttl instead of maxAge but I get the same result. What could it be?
I using SEAN.JS and the files that content the session are this two: express.js and default environment.
This is my configuration for sessions and it works.
I set the expiration time to 5 seconds for testing purposes.
I set
and it didn't work and when i setttl
it worked.Note: I tested and found out that
is in second but maxAge is in milli seconds! (kinda weird)you can log session data using a middleware like below to see if a passport object exists or not, if there is no passport object in sesssion data, user is logged out.