i'm making a scrollable menu using common JS.
An item of the menu is a view that contains 2 others components : a imageView for the icon, and a label for the text of this menu.
The comportement is strange and not the same on the android and ios simulator.
On the android, if a click is done on the label or on the imageview, that gives an : "uncaught TypeError: Cannot Read property..." On iphone, that just don't launch anything.
If i click somewhere else (still into the view item) but not on image or on the labal, for example on an edge, that works just perfect!!
here is the code:
function menuIcons(itemTab) {
var menuMain = Ti.UI.createView({
layout : 'vertical',
backgroundColor : '#333333',
height : 125,
bottom : 10,
left : 10,
right : 10,
borderRadius : 5.0
var menuFirstLine = Ti.UI.createScrollView({
scrollType : 'horizontal',
contentHeight : 120,
contentWidth : 'auto',
layout : 'horizontal',
height : 120,
marginLeft : 5
var items = [];
var menuIconsItem = require('view/module/menuIconsItem');
for(var i in itemTab) {
var page = itemTab[i].page;
items[i] = new menuIconsItem(itemTab[i]);
(function(itemsEvent) {
itemsEvent.id = itemTab[i].id;
itemsEvent.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
Ti.App.fireEvent('main_menu_' + itemsEvent.id, {
id : e.source.id
return menuMain;
module.exports = menuIcons;
and the code of the items that is required (var menuIconsItem = require('view/module/menuIconsItem');) :
function menuIconsItem(item) {
// path for images on Android besoin de centraliser tout ca
var pathImages = '';
var itemImage = Ti.UI.createImageView({
image : item.imageLink,
width : 64,
height : 64,
top : 15
var itemLabel = Ti.UI.createLabel({
color : '#afafaf',
text : item.text,
font : {
textAlign : 'center'
height : 40,
top : 80
var menuItem = Ti.UI.createView({
width : 120,
height : 120,
backgroundColor : '#424242',
top : 5,
left : 5
return menuItem;
module.exports = menuIconsItem;
You have to set the id for the label and image view as well.