I have some web services that uses WSDL/SOAP for communication. Specifically, I am using PHP and Nusoap to make them. How can I use these web services on Android? I am going to get a new Android phone soon, so I need to know.
It is easy to do it with Windows Mobile and Visual Studio.
i founded this tool to auto generate wsdl to android code,
Android doesn't come with SOAP library. However, you can download 3rd party library here:
If you need help using it, you might find this thread helpful:
How to call a .NET Webservice from Android using KSOAP2?
Icesoap, which I found yesterday, looks promising. It worked on a basic test, but it lacks more examples.
I have just completed a android App about wsdl,i have some tips to append:
1.the most important resource is www.wsdl2code.com
2.you can take you username and password with header, which encoded with Base64,such as :
3.somethimes,you are not sure either ANDROID code or webserver is wrong, then debug is important.in the sample , catching "XmlPullParserException" ,log "requestDump" and "responseDump"in the exception.additionally, you should catch the IP package with adb.