i am building a new amazon instance with python 2.7.10 as default. after i have ran my machine provisioning scripts and the moment of truth arrives, celery gave me an import so i debugged the problem to billard.
the package appears to be in the correct path i.e.
sudo find -name "billiard"
where ia-live is the path of my virtualenv. checking the path in via python virtualenv executable
import sys
which appears to be correct, but when i do
import billiard
ImportError: No module named billiard
i don't understand why there could be problem
i was able to identify the problem. It is with the default python27 virtualenv and devel packages that comes with ec2-ami
for me, i had to update the system pip and system virutalenv
and the i hard ran /usr/bin/virtualenv to create a new virtualenv. it solved the problem for me.
hope it helps somebody else too.