I have this code to confirm navigation away in angular, using angular-ui router:
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
//checks if campaign has been modified without save.
//if yes state change needs to be confirmed by modal
//otherwise simple navigates away
// var _this = this;
_this.toState = toState;
_this.toParams = toParams;
var modalInstance = bootstrapModals.confirm({
title: "Exit without saving?",
message: "You have changes to the campaign. Leave without saving?"
modalInstance.then(function(result) {
$state.go(_this.toState.name, _this.toParams);
}, function(error) {
However $state.go only displays the modal again, without any route change. The values in _this.toState.name and _this.toParams are correct.
What's the issue?
Check this
You have an infinite loop on success. Every time you do a state change, you go back in the code causing the modal to be displayed again. You need to save the answer to prevent the modal from popping back up.
It was still listening to routeChange. So I had to do it like this:
Took me a while to get home to post this, sorry.
I'm not sure if the ModalInstance will work the same way, but this is the code using good 'ol confirm:
Don't prevent it first and don't use
if succeeding, only prevent if false.You should be able to try something like this with the bootstrap modal.