I have rails 3 app that generates a lot of requests for analytics. Unfortunately this drowns the logs and I lose the main page requests that I actually care about. I want to separate these requests in to a separate log file. Is there a way to specify certain actions to go to a certain log file? Or possibly a way to reduce the logging level of these actions, and then only show certain level logs when reading back the log file?
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I found this site, which talked about using a middleware for silencing log actions. I used the same sort of idea and ended up writing a middleware that would swap the logger depending on which action was being called. Here is the middleware, which i put in lib/noisy_logger.rb
And then this goes in config/initializers/noisy_log.rb
Hope that helps someone!
One option could be using a service like New Relic which would give you the required scoping (per action).