Django Paginated Comments .. is there any existing

2019-06-02 07:42发布

is there any existing pagination solution for Django contrib.comments?

What I need is just a simple paginated django comments, for the Basic Blog application (from the Django Basic Apps) I used, using a simple has_previous and has_next

I have copied the django.contrib.comments and tried modify the code but with no success. The code is pretty hard to understand (django/contrib/comments/templatetags/ because it consists of Node and Parser

here is my comments.html template I used for the Blog application:

{% load comments markup %}
{% get_comment_list for object as comment_list %}
    {% if comment_list %}
    <div class="comments g_7 left">
        <a name="comments"></a>
        <div class="subtitle">Comments</div>
        {% for comment in comment_list %}
            {% if comment.is_public %}
            <div class="comment g_6" id="c{{ }}">
                <div class="comment_name g_6">
                <div class="comment_count right">
                    <a name="c{{ }}" href="{{ comment.get_absolute_url }}" {% ifnotequal comment.person_name null %}title="Permalink to {{ comment.person_name }}'s comment"{% endifnotequal %} class="comment_count">{{ forloop.counter }}</a></div>
                    Wrote by <strong>{% if comment.user_url %}<a href="{{ comment.user_url }}">{{ comment.user_name }}</a>{% else %}{{ comment.user_name }}{% endif %}</strong> on {{ comment.submit_date|date:"F j, Y" }} - {{ comment.submit_date|date:"P" }} 
                <div class="comment_body g_6">{{ comment.comment|urlizetrunc:"60"|safe }}</div>
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}

        <div class="clear"></div>
    {% else %}
        No comments yet.
    {% endif %}

I think the problem lies in the get_comment_list templatetags :)

Thanks in advance

2楼-- · 2019-06-02 08:11

I think django-pagination might be what you're looking for. (screencast available)

3楼-- · 2019-06-02 08:23

Django also has a built in Pagination system

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