I thought this might be due to moving to activesupport 2.3.5 but now I believe something else must have happened.
Model has a valid rfc822 style date:
>> s.lastVisitDate
=> "Thu, 06 Jan 2011 22:24:10 -0800"
But in my view:
<%=h time_ago_in_words(@site.lastVisitDate) -%>
renders: *about {{count}} hours ago*
instead of: *about 2 hours ago* which was working just fine earlier.
Wondering if anyone else has seen this behavior. I've reviewed my version history for the model and view and nothing has changed recently so I believe I must have messed up something on the config side of things.
I found that I was missing the appropriate values in a locale file.
So in my case I added the following to /config/locales/en.yml
I am not sure why this was previously working or what specific gem or config change triggered this issue but having the proper definition here make actionpack happy.