Does someone know a way to keep the visual selection state of a selected text in a RichEditBox? I want to add some basic text editing to my Windows 8.1 App but every time I select a text and click on another UI Element within the app, the RichEditBox hides the selection.
I already tried to register the unfocus event an set the selection range again but unfortunately this has no effect.
I also tried to draw my own rect over the Text using
richEdit.Document.Selection.GetRect(PointOptions.ClientCoordinates,out selectionRect, out hitCount );
This works as long as only some text within a single line is selected. If the selection is multilined I only get the top-left of and the bottom-right position of the selected Text. It seems like these are the mouse Positions where the selection where started and where it ended.
Are there any other ways keep to the selected text visibible when the RichEditBox is unfocused.
I found another workaround. Just set the selection Background when the RichEditBox is unfocused. But Jerry's Post gave me the Inspiration to this solution. Seems like this way was to simple to find it a first place:
In the WinRT Toolkit, there's a HighlightBehavior that doesn't directly solve your problem, but might offer you a solution that is acceptable.
Best of luck!