I have a very very complex model with lots of related models by FK and M2M which are also have lots of relations, etc.
So, rendering a list of such objects is a very expensive SQL operation, and i want to optimise it. (select_related and prefetch_related help, but a little)
I have maybe a very stupid but very simple idea.
To do something like this:
class Very ComplexModel(models.Model):
# some_field
# some_field
# ...
json = models.TextField()
def save(self):
json = serialize(self)
in views.py:
complexModels = ComplexModel.objects.get_values(json)
And in template:
{% for m in complexModels %}
{{ m.some_field }}
{{ m.some_field.some_fields.some_field }}
{% endif %}
Is it a bad idea? Maybe it is a good idea in general, but I should use more suitable stuff like special JSON field or something?
Big thanx for advices!
Django supports JSONField for PostgreSQL, take a look: PostgreSQL specific model fields
Django supports JSONField for PostgreSQL, here is the example
also you can read more about it on this link https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/postgres/fields/#jsonfield
also you can try out HStoreField in postgresql, HStoreField is faster than the JSONField, for using HSTORE you need to enable Hstore extension in Postgresql
in your migration file you need to add this
here is an example of using Hstore in your models:
to know more about this go to the l: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/ref/contrib/postgres/fields/#hstorefield