This is my framework structure currently
This is how the code in each file looks CreateDiscount.feature
Scenario: Create a discount
* def changes = read('Discount_Payload.json')
* set changes.code = cu.getCouponCode(4)
* set changes.operator = 'LT'
Given url baseUrl + CREATE_DISCOUNT
And request changes
When method post
Then status 200
"code": "ND12",
"name": "NDS coupon Testing",
"description": "NDS coupon testing via postman",
"operator": "EQ"
Scenario: Create a discount and search it
* def createDiscount = call read('CreateDiscount.feature')
* print createDiscount
* def coupon_code = createDiscount.changes.code
* print coupon_code
* def changes = read('Search_Payload.json')
* set changes.coupon_code = coupon_code
Given url baseUrl + SEARCH
And request changes
When method post
Then status 200
"mode" : "Browse",
"coupon_code" : "abrakadabra"
So currently whenever I run SearchDiscount.feature , It internally calls CreateDiscount.feature , This is fine if I have only code and operator values to be set while creating discount.
But now when I want to run separate test case in SearchDiscount.feature for which I want to update the value of name and description of Discount_Payload.json also from SearchDiscount.feature.
You can pass values to feature file that you are calling
Instead of reading a json in you feature which you want to reuse, pass that json in a variable as an input to your feature.
Now you don't need to read for input in your CreateDiscount.feature
from your CreateDiscount.feature
you can change whatever values you want in your calling feature before passing it to your reusable feature.
EDIT: If you want to run this for different values you can use scenario outline and set values to your discountInput before passing it to your feature.
please refer karate documentation.
EDIT 2: Scenario Outline sample for your question.
now the scenario will run with these 2 set of values provided in the examples.