I'm trying to map existing tables in a GORM/Grails app. Most of the tables have composite primary keys (not my choice).
I'm finding that when I map an association to a class (parent of a child) where the composite key of the parent class contains an association to a class with a composite key also (grandparent), GORM doesn't bother to check the mapping of the grandparent class and subs in a non-composite key.
class Child implements Serializable {
Parent parent
String name
belongsTo= [parent: Parent]
static mapping= {
id(composite: ['parent', 'name'])
class Parent implements Serializable {
GrandParent grandParent
String name
Collection<Child> children
belongsTo= [grandParent: GrandParent]
hasMany= [children: Child]
static mapping= {
id(composite: ['grandParent', 'name'])
class GrandParent implements Serializable {
String name
Integer luckyNumber
Collection<Parent> parents
hasMany= [parents: Parent]
static mapping= {
id(composite: ['name', 'luckyNumber'])
The DDL generation fails when trying to glean the foreign keys.
Foreign key (FK_1:CHILD [parent_grandparent_id,parent_name]))
must have same number of columns as the referenced primary key
(PARENT [parent_grandparent_name,parent_grandparent_lucky_number,parent_name])
The foreign key it's created does not match the primary key of the parent class (which it was able to decipher correctly).
I've asked around on Grails Slack #gorm, and this appears to hit a gap in Gorm mapping.
I've raised an issue in the Grails data mapping project. We'll see where this goes.